The Women's Section:
The Boys' Section
The Men's Section: Didnt see any adult male taking part :-(
The Women's Section:
The Boys' Section
The Men's Section: Didnt see any adult male taking part :-(
In the game below, Woo (White) won.
In the game below, Albert (White) won.
They have fixed a return match next month @ Island Garden Walk.
In Set 1: William Lim (White) lost to Donald Koh, and simultaneously lost to Albert Ong.
In Set 2, Albert Ong (Black) lost to Donald Koh, and simultaneously beat William Lim.
A middle game position in which Black had the advantage.
Albert Ong had a re-match with David Yeo after last week's loss, this time winning the game by mating the King.
Albert's attack on Black's Queen led to White winning the game, thus: Nc6, Qe8, then BxN+, Kg8, and Ne7+ wins!
A 2nd board was set up later, with William Lim playing against David Yeo, Steven's brother.