Thursday, May 29, 2014

27: 1-on-1 Chess @ Thomson Gdn - Thu 29 May 2014

A Ong and LS Woo played their monthly match which ended in a 1-1 draw after almost 3 hours of play.

This was the middle game of a Sicilian Defence. Ong, playing Black, won the game.

This was the 2nd game. Woo (Black) played the French Defence and won.

Friday, May 16, 2014

26: Chess @ PMC GYM - Wed 14 May 2014

It was a deliberate slow game between A Ong (White)& S Yeo (Black).

The game was stable at this point in the middle game.

But in the end game, with White on the attack, a miscalculated combination allowed Black to be a Rook up, thus winning the game.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

25: Chess @ PMC GYM - Wed 7 May 2014

Albert Ong (White) played P-K4 against Steve Yeo (Black) who defended with a double fiancetto.

Black was 1 pawn up in the middle game.

However, the double fiancetto led to a positional weakness in the end game in which White aggresively attacked Black's position with a threat of mate.

This was the final position (White to move) in which White forced Black to resign.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

24: A past event @ Waikiki, Hawaii.

Once, I was watching a chess game by the beach in Hawaii when someone offered to play a game with me for US$5.00. I declined.

How about for a coke, I said. He declined.